How does stress really impact fat loss?

The last time someone cut you up whilst driving...

Did you stop, take a deep breath and wish the person well?
Or were you a little "peeved".
Did you maybe beep the horn and utter a few expletives?
I am not here to judge, it is what is is.
But clearly emotion in the heat of a moment tends to trump logic.
If someone just cut you up and you didn't get hit and they are on their way and you are on yours, what does shouting, screaming or beeping achieve other than you getting in a state or making a lot of noise with no real positive or negative consequence?
"Juggy, tell me what the hell you are trying to get at here."
Logically speaking, you want to improve your health, be fit and lose weight.
But at the end of a day full of emails, messages, calls, zooms, homeschooling, loneliness, stress, a lack of direction, a lack of excitement...
Will you be thinking from a place of emotion or logic?
Will the desire to fit in your clothes better in a months time, to be capable of running 5k or dropping your blood pressure by 5-10 points be a high priority?
Or does the emotion and stress make you want to feel more comfortable, full of food that offer immediate reward and relaxed?
In most cases, it isn't always the "hormones" of stress, the depletion of key micronutrients that make you feel tired or even the change in your gut microbiome that compound the position you currently find yourself in...
Sometimes it can be as simple as the behaviours that stressful environments breed.
That is why, when you ask our clients how do we support them, we aren't prescribing diet plans and getting people to smash 5-6 sessions of HIIT each day. We are taking a view to improve their physical, physiological and psychological health using our Health Triad principles.
You can use this advice today, not to change anything, but just to notice... What are your behaviours when emotion and stress is high?

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