Breaking the procrastination cycle... FOREVER!

It really is obvious when you think about it...

But the mind can easily play tricks on you.

Something can be EVERYTHING.

Nothing is always NOTHING.

How many times have you set yourself goals to achieve, positive intentions or "hoped" something will come to fruition and ZERO, not a single action was taken towards it?

Let me take a real simple example and you can tell me if it sounds familiar in any walk of life.

You say, tomorrow is the day.

I will get up an hour early to train.


Flustered, aghast and sleep- SNOOZE


It is time to get up, get ready and start your morning scramble to get yourself, the family and your world ready for your working day.

What if there was just one less snooze?

What if we managed to pop in just 10 minutes of activity instead of an hour?

Do this each working day for a month... 200 minutes of additional activity that you would otherwise have missed for a minimal amount of restless sleep.

On the back of that, you aren't going to feel worse, you are going to feel better. The action will inevitably lead to bigger and better things for you.

But if you are relying on motivation to make that happen, you are going to consistently fall short.

Motivation is fleeting, discipline and non negotiable tasks that you complete (like brushing your teeth twice a day, eating, working and looking after those you love) are not fleeting, they are set in stone and they bring longer term success.

Whether it is your nutrition, exercise, studies, work or getting started with reading books again...

Something can be EVERYTHING.

Nothing is always NOTHING.

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